Rainbow Nursery established by Phillip Norris (aged 24).
Phillip bought the site in Weeley. His Father, Frank Norris, took early retirement and helped with the construction of the Nursery. His Mother, Eve Norris, also retired and worked well into her eighties on the Nursery potting plants, making arrangements and keeping everyone on their toes!
First member of staff, Colin Reeve, was employed. He’s still here!
Ralph Bishop joined the business as part of the Sales Team with Phil and Colin.
Simon Cottrell employed (aged 18) as an apprentice. He is still here too and is now our Sales Manager.
We started selling Christmas trees, importing initially from Denmark. We now also source from Scotland and get locally potted Christmas trees from Norfolk.
The team has continued to grow – as has Phillip’s family with his wife Jennifer. They have four children, all of whom have worked in the business at some point throughout their childhoods.

In the last 39 years Rainbow Nursery has been through two recessions and a credit crunch. When Covid hit (2020 – 2022) we took the opportunity to restructure the business and we continue to grow.

History in Pictures